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Orly Alter - ORCiD Works


  1. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, Quantum Measurement of a Single System. New York, NY: Wiley (May 2001), 136 pp.; doi: 10.1002/9783527617128.1
    Citation: K. S. Thorne et al., "Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors and Other Classical-Force Measurements is Not Influenced by Test-Mass Quantization," Physical Review D 67 (8), article 082001 (April 2003).

  2. Ph.D. Dissertation Slides.2,3,4

    Journal Papers

  1. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Fundamental Quantum Limit to External Force Detection via Monitoring a Single Harmonic Oscillator or Free Mass," Physics Letters A 263 (4–6), pp. 226–231 (December 1999); doi: 10.1016/S0375-9601(99)00743-4.5
    Citation: K. S. Thorne et al., "Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors and Other Classical-Force Measurements is Not Influenced by Test-Mass Quantization," Physical Review D 67 (8), article 082001 (April 2003).
  2. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Impossibility of Determining the Unknown Wavefunction of a Single Quantum System: Quantum Non-Demolition Measurements, Measurements without Entanglement and Adiabatic Measurements," Fortschritte der Physik 46 (6–8), pp. 817–827 (November 1998); doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-3978(199811)46:6/8<817::AID-PROP817>3.0.CO;2-Y.6
  3. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Reply to the Comment on 'Protective Measurement of the Wave Function of a Single Squeezed Harmonic-Oscillator State,' " Physical Review A 56 (1), pp. 1057–1059 (July 1997); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.56.1057.7
  4. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Quantum Zeno Effect and the Impossibility of Determining the Quantum State of a Single System," Physical Review A Rapid Communications 55 (4), pp. R2499–R2502 (April 1997); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.55.R2499.8
  5. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Protective Measurement of the Wave Function of a Single Squeezed Harmonic-Oscillator State," Physical Review A Rapid Communications 53 (5), R2911–R2914 (May 1996); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.53.R2911.9
  6. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Inhibition of the Measurement of the Wave Function of a Single Quantum System in Repeated Weak Quantum Nondemolition Measurements," Physical Review Letters 74 (21), pp. 4106–4109 (May 1995); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.74.4106.10

    Book Chapters

  1. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Inhibition of the Measurement of the Wavefunction of a Single Quantum System and the Projection Postulate." In: M. Namiki, I. Ohba, K. Maeda and Y. Aizawa, editors, Quantum Physics, Chaos Theory and Cosmology. New York, NY: American Institute of Physics, pp. 151–172 (October 1996).11
  2. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "The Quantum Zeno Effect of a Single System is Equivalent to the Indetermination of the Quantum State of a Single System." In: F. De Martini, G. Denardo and Y. Shih, editors, Quantum Interferometry. New York, NY: Wiley, pp. 539–544 (October 1996).12
  3. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "The Unknown Wavefunction of a Single System Cannot Be Inferred Using a Series of Quantum Measurements." In: K. Fujikawa and Y. A. Ono, editors, Quantum Coherence and Decoherence. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science, pp. 31–34 (May 1996).13
  4. O. Alter and Y. Yamamoto, "Can We Measure the Wave Function of a Single Wave Packet of Light?: Brownian Motion and Continuous Wave Packet Collapse in Repeated Weak Quantum Non-Demolition Measurements." In: D. M. Greenberger and A. Zeilinger, editors, Fundamental Problems in Quantum Theory. New York, NY: New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 755, pp. 103–109 (January 1995); doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1995.tb38960.x.14

    Plenary and Keynote Lectures and Invited Talks and Tutorials at International Meetings mostly since 2013

    O. Alter, "Impossibility of Determining the Quantum Wavefunction of a Single System and Fundamental Limit to External Force Detection"

  1. 5th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (FICSSUR 1997) (Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 27–31, 1997).